Living Healthy Washington County is committed to supporting partners and communities through actions that make the healthy choice easier for all residents. In this section, we share stories of success and the latest news from our community, and education and resources to create a healthier Washington County.
Living Healthy Washington County: Our Work in 2019 Last year, Living Healthy Washington County worked with 120 partners to make it easier for over 261,000 residents to be healthy! In the 2019 year-end fact sheet, we highlight our collective impact as we work to make a positive difference across the community. Living Healthy Washington County is funded, in part, […]
Mindful Movement Begins Early This summer, over two dozen child care providers across Washington County learned ways to keep children in their daycare active and focused, from the hottest days of summer to the frigid days of winter. Last year, Living Healthy Washington County (Living Healthy Washington County) learned that many local child care providers […]
Cultivating Relationships and Healthy Foods In Spring 2019, two local organizations — New Directions, Inc., an organization that supports people with developmental disabilities and Woodbury Thrives, a grassroots organization focused on promoting health and well-being of Woodbury residents — forged a partnership to build a community garden in a residential neighborhood in Woodbury. The community […]
Announcing New 2019-2020 Funding Opportunities Living Healthy in Washington County is pleased to announce funding opportunities for 2019-2020! These funds are made available through the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP), Minnesota Department of Health. SHIP strives to help Minnesotans lead longer, healthier lives by preventing some of the leading causes of chronic disease. Living Healthy […]
Helping to Ensure all Students have the Opportunity to be Healthy Research shows a strong connection between student health and their success in school. Promoting healthy behavior in schools can help youth improve test scores, grades, and attendance. With support from the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership, Living Healthy in Washington County is partnering with schools […]
On Sundays, community members can now shop for an array of produce and Minnesota goods at the new Newport Farmers Market. The market kicked off its first season on June 16 and will run through August 25. Located at the Newport Center, 1644 Hastings Ave, MN 55055, the market is open on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.